ঢাকা ০৮:৪১ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ০৩ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ১৮ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

A Systematic Review of Binge Eating, Loss of Control Eating, and Weight Loss in Children and Adolescents PMC

প্রতিনিধির নাম
  • আপডেট সময় : ০৩:৩৫:২১ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ অগাস্ট ২০২০ ১২ বার পড়া হয়েছে
NEWS396 অনলাইনের সর্বশেষ নিউজ পেতে অনুসরণ করুন গুগল নিউজ (Google News) ফিডটি

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Additionally, the results of one included study found that the decrease noted in BE can be partly attributed to a decrease in anxiety scores, “since an anxious individual is more likely to develop binge eating disorders” (50). EMA has a heavy reliance on participants complying with the study protocol without supervision. This requires participants to correctly identify subjective states of interest (e.g., experiencing a dietary lapse) and report within the correct timeframe (e.g., within 30 min following the lapse).

Advances in behavioral treatment of obesity

Engaging in an indoor hobby, outdoor/exercise, or watching TV/social media had no effect on lapsing on the current assessment. Cooking and indoor hobbies increased the chances that a lapse was reported at the next available assessment. McKee et al.28 contrasted outcomes between temptations that lead to a lapse with temptations that did not lead to a lapse. They reported an indirect the abstinence violation effect refers to relationship where higher levels of stress and hunger predicted temptation strength and this relationship influenced the likelihood that a temptation would lead to a lapse. According to the self-regulation theory, the abstinence violation effect is one of the possible lapse-activated responses that contributes to self-regulation failure (Baumeister & Heatherton, 1996).

  • For example, participants may be reluctant to report if they experience a high frequency of lapses or they may simply forget to report.
  • One speculation is that individual measures of negative mood only assess one facet of the experience, while an overall mood score is a more general measure.
  • While BE/LOC prevalence in adolescents is thought to be relatively low, between 0.3% and 3.1% (55), previous research has estimated BE/LOC prevalence among adolescents seeking weight loss interventions to be upwards of 30%, and was even as high as 70% in some included studies (7, 56, 57).
  • Similarly, Jones et al. found a significant decrease in SBEs and OBEs but not OOEs at both EOT and at follow-up (40).
  • Here the assessment and management of both the intrapersonal and interpersonal determinants of relapse are undertaken.


While the results of Balantekin et al. 2017 were not statistically significant, a decrease in number of LOC episodes per month was present, from 1.28 at baseline to 0.57 at EOT. Jim is a recovering alcoholic who successfully abstained from drinking for several months. One day, when he was faced with a stressful situation, he felt overwhelmed, gave in to the urge, and had a drink. I have lost all that time,” which can trigger a self-destructive mindset https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and potentially lead to further relapse. Lindsey Rodriguez is a third-year doctoral student in the Social Psychology Program at the University of Houston, USA. Her long-term research interests include the development of a comprehensive understanding of how problematic alcohol use and interpersonal relationship processes interact to influence various physical, emotional, and relational outcomes for individuals and their relationship partners.

Quality Assessment

abstinence violation effect weight loss

However, previous research indicates that environmental factors, such as a tempting environment, also influence relapse (Roordink et al., 2021). It is possible that individuals do not know or like to admit they are being influenced by their social or physical environment. In addition, the influence of the social or physical environment is often felt in combination with individual factors (e.g. not being able to cope with the social pressure at a party), which might make environmental factors more distal and therefore harder to recall. This remoteness of environmental factors is also reflected in the so-called fundamental attribution error, which is defined as ‘the tendency for attributors to underestimate the impact of situational factors and to overestimate the role of dispositional factors in controlling behavior’ (Ross, 1977). Participants’ greater focus on individual factors could furthermore be stimulated by the current stigma surrounding overweight and obese individuals and the notion that they are to blame for their weight (Puhl & Heuer, 2010).

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Eating Behaviors

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance use Disorders

Step 2. Generation of statements

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Outcome and methodological considerations in the behavioral treatment of obesity

  • Review of this body of literature suggests that, across substances of abuse but most strongly for smoking cessation, there is evidence for the effectiveness of relapse prevention compared with no treatment controls.
  • Positive feelings about future diet success were lower during lapses (but no evidence for differences during temptations).
  • McKee et al.28 examined two strategies for coping with temptation (long‐term thinking of weight loss goal and importance of goal) and contrast outcomes between assessments that were made during temptations that did not lead to a lapse compared with temptations that led to a lapse.
  • Another approach is to ask whether participants have lapsed since their last assessment.
  • A strength of this systematic review is that it is the first comprehensive account of the current evidence from EMA studies of the impact of dieting on experiences of temptations and lapses in free‐living individuals.
  • Using the Ariadne-software, the structured statements were transformed, per subgroup, into a matrix representing the similarity between statements for each participant.

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আপনার ইমেইল এবং অন্যান্য তথ্য সংরক্ষন করুন

আপলোডকারীর তথ্য
ট্যাগস :

A Systematic Review of Binge Eating, Loss of Control Eating, and Weight Loss in Children and Adolescents PMC

আপডেট সময় : ০৩:৩৫:২১ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ অগাস্ট ২০২০

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Additionally, the results of one included study found that the decrease noted in BE can be partly attributed to a decrease in anxiety scores, “since an anxious individual is more likely to develop binge eating disorders” (50). EMA has a heavy reliance on participants complying with the study protocol without supervision. This requires participants to correctly identify subjective states of interest (e.g., experiencing a dietary lapse) and report within the correct timeframe (e.g., within 30 min following the lapse).

Advances in behavioral treatment of obesity

Engaging in an indoor hobby, outdoor/exercise, or watching TV/social media had no effect on lapsing on the current assessment. Cooking and indoor hobbies increased the chances that a lapse was reported at the next available assessment. McKee et al.28 contrasted outcomes between temptations that lead to a lapse with temptations that did not lead to a lapse. They reported an indirect the abstinence violation effect refers to relationship where higher levels of stress and hunger predicted temptation strength and this relationship influenced the likelihood that a temptation would lead to a lapse. According to the self-regulation theory, the abstinence violation effect is one of the possible lapse-activated responses that contributes to self-regulation failure (Baumeister & Heatherton, 1996).

  • For example, participants may be reluctant to report if they experience a high frequency of lapses or they may simply forget to report.
  • One speculation is that individual measures of negative mood only assess one facet of the experience, while an overall mood score is a more general measure.
  • While BE/LOC prevalence in adolescents is thought to be relatively low, between 0.3% and 3.1% (55), previous research has estimated BE/LOC prevalence among adolescents seeking weight loss interventions to be upwards of 30%, and was even as high as 70% in some included studies (7, 56, 57).
  • Similarly, Jones et al. found a significant decrease in SBEs and OBEs but not OOEs at both EOT and at follow-up (40).
  • Here the assessment and management of both the intrapersonal and interpersonal determinants of relapse are undertaken.


While the results of Balantekin et al. 2017 were not statistically significant, a decrease in number of LOC episodes per month was present, from 1.28 at baseline to 0.57 at EOT. Jim is a recovering alcoholic who successfully abstained from drinking for several months. One day, when he was faced with a stressful situation, he felt overwhelmed, gave in to the urge, and had a drink. I have lost all that time,” which can trigger a self-destructive mindset https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and potentially lead to further relapse. Lindsey Rodriguez is a third-year doctoral student in the Social Psychology Program at the University of Houston, USA. Her long-term research interests include the development of a comprehensive understanding of how problematic alcohol use and interpersonal relationship processes interact to influence various physical, emotional, and relational outcomes for individuals and their relationship partners.

Quality Assessment

abstinence violation effect weight loss

However, previous research indicates that environmental factors, such as a tempting environment, also influence relapse (Roordink et al., 2021). It is possible that individuals do not know or like to admit they are being influenced by their social or physical environment. In addition, the influence of the social or physical environment is often felt in combination with individual factors (e.g. not being able to cope with the social pressure at a party), which might make environmental factors more distal and therefore harder to recall. This remoteness of environmental factors is also reflected in the so-called fundamental attribution error, which is defined as ‘the tendency for attributors to underestimate the impact of situational factors and to overestimate the role of dispositional factors in controlling behavior’ (Ross, 1977). Participants’ greater focus on individual factors could furthermore be stimulated by the current stigma surrounding overweight and obese individuals and the notion that they are to blame for their weight (Puhl & Heuer, 2010).

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Eating Behaviors

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance use Disorders

Step 2. Generation of statements

abstinence violation effect weight loss

Outcome and methodological considerations in the behavioral treatment of obesity

  • Review of this body of literature suggests that, across substances of abuse but most strongly for smoking cessation, there is evidence for the effectiveness of relapse prevention compared with no treatment controls.
  • Positive feelings about future diet success were lower during lapses (but no evidence for differences during temptations).
  • McKee et al.28 examined two strategies for coping with temptation (long‐term thinking of weight loss goal and importance of goal) and contrast outcomes between assessments that were made during temptations that did not lead to a lapse compared with temptations that led to a lapse.
  • Another approach is to ask whether participants have lapsed since their last assessment.
  • A strength of this systematic review is that it is the first comprehensive account of the current evidence from EMA studies of the impact of dieting on experiences of temptations and lapses in free‐living individuals.
  • Using the Ariadne-software, the structured statements were transformed, per subgroup, into a matrix representing the similarity between statements for each participant.